Questions ?
Here comes the most frequently asked questions… We hope that you will find your answer
What is the price for 1 JSurf camp ?
The information of the price and what is included can be found here.
What are the dates for JSurf camps ?
You can find the information about the dates for the next JSurf camps in the section CAMPS.
How old do I have to be in order to participate ?
The age range to paticipate in a JSurf CAMP is 16 to 21 years old.
Where are the camps taking place ?
The camps take place in Areia Branca, Portugal. Areia Branca is a small beach/surf village but it has everything from a supermarket, farmacie, surf shops to beach bars, cute cafes and gelateria. We are staying at the Youth hostel which is a hostel entirely occupied by JSurf camp participants during the camp week. The house is literally on the beach.
How many places are available per camp ?
We have a total of 60 to 65 places.
What language do we speak at the camp ?
The main language is English. You don’t have to be very good in English, just that you can communicate with us and the other participants then it is ok. The JSurf CAMP can also be an opportunity for you to improve your English skills. You are still alowed of course to speak your own language, we encourage the sharing of the different languages and culture.
Can I participate in the camp if I come from X country ?
We welcome everyone! It doesn’t matter where you come from, as long as you are motivated to come and surf and have fun in our camp you are more than welcome.
Do I need to know how to surf ?
Doesn’t matter if you are a total beginner or a pro surfer, we accept all levels of surf. The only thing we are looking for is to have fun in the water while practicing this amazing sport.
Is Portugal and Areia Branca a safe place to let my youth walk around ?
Portugal is a safe country. As Areia Branca is a small beach/surf village, their is no big risk for a teenager to walk around freely.